Our Photo Designs

Camerazzi Presents

Customized Photo Designs

With 2800+ templates to choose from, in both 2x6" strips and 4x6" postcards, we are sure you'll find a photo design that fits your event perfectly!

*If you have booked a Digital Salsa or All-Digital booth, please Click Here to select your template*

If none of our designs fit your event, please contact us to discuss further options.

Yes! Please email your logo to [email protected] when you submit your design, and our designers will add it to your photos! Please be sure to include a .PNG file to avoid having a background on the logo. 

Our Digital Salsa and All-Digital booths use a different software that requires one 4×6″ photo per session. If you have booked a Digital Salsa or All-Digital booth, please Click Here to select your template.

Ready to Book Your Photobooth?

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